This is my space to post pictures, Talk about books I have read, and anything else that comes to mind.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
I wish everyone a great day, a great dinner and a great nap!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Chapter Books
Since my husband is waiting patiently in the car I decide to save some time and ask where the books are so that I don't have to do another lap or two of the store. I find a nice helpful young man and ask, "Could you tell me where the paperback books are, please?" His response is a blank look and, "Explain that to me, please." Very politely I might add. I say, "You know, books. books that you read. Novels." The light bulb went on in his head and he replies, "OH, you mean chapter books," and points the way.
So the moral of this story is that if you are ever in K-mart and would like something to read, ask for the "chapter books" section, not the "paperback book section"
Friday, November 6, 2009
Book News and random stuff
In other news, hubby took me out to our favorite Chinese Buffet last night. Great food, good company. It was a nice evening. Then we came home and watched Survivor and Grey's Anatomy. I fell asleep during Private Practice. I just can't stay awake past 9 but then I am up at 4 or 4:30. It is a vicious cycle. I hope to get over that this weekend as well.
It has been a long week at work and I am ready for the weekend.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Looking forward to the weekend
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Pizza on Tuesday

I just find it amusing that we sit around and stuff ourselves with pizza while watching a show about losing weight.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Lovin' the time change (and the sun!)
I went grocery shopping early Sunday morning and proceeded to make a nice dinner that evening. (Don't ask how often I cook. With just hubby and I here we tend to eat out or fend for ourselves often.) Yesterday I jumped right out of bed and put some stew meat in the crock-pot. I had a wonderful day at work. Then I came home to do laundry and roll out some homemade noodles to make beef and noodles with the stew meat.
Today I only work a half day because of an appointment later and the sun is forecast to shine again. I am anticipating a beautiful day!
Here is a pic from earlier in the month that makes me smile. It is my grandson's first visit to the pumpkin patch. It is also his first birthday.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Best Shot Monday
Sunday, November 1, 2009
(The previous sentence was written on 10/09/09, then, I sent this post to my draft folder. The following is a continuation of that.)
OK, so I did read one book in October. It was The Gatecrasher by Madeleine Wickham. I don't know if it was just a so-so book or a casualty of my reading slump. At least I did finish it.
In other news, I am still picking up books and putting them back down. It all started with Julie and Julia. I started reading it and I just really never got into it. I did get about halfway through and I just put it down and gave up for a while. Then I could just not get into anything else. I don't know if I need to go back and force myself to finish so I can enjoy reading again or just give up and let my desire to read come back naturally.
I have been reading some of the huge pile of magazines that I have. I am letting all subscriptions expire and then will only resubscribe if I get a really good deal on a magazine that I know I love.
Also, I think the DVR may have a detrimental effect on my reading as well. Now that I can automatically record every soap and reality show that I might like I spend a lot of time catching up. Maybe I need to cancel some shows from recording and spend that time doing something more productive.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The ABC's of books
Then, it was my birthday last week and I went shopping for all of the free stuff that I got emails for. There were pearl earrings from Helzburg Diamonds, a $10 gift card from Victoria Secret, a free burger from Red Robin and a 15% off coupon from Kohls. While I was doing all of that anyway, I thought it might be a good idea to use the Barnes and Noble gift card that I had received for Christmas last year. We don't have a bookstore in our local mall anymore so I have to travel to a town 30 miles away to get my hands on books and I just hadn't had time to browse yet. I ended up with 4 new books there, that again don't fit the missing letters of my challenge.
I know you are wondering so here they are:
- On Agate Hill by Lee Smith (my current read and I am enjoying it)
- Everlasting by Kathleen E. Woodwiss
- The Gatecrasher by Madeleine Wickham
- Julie and Julia by Julie Powell (I prefer to read the book before I see the movie)
So, the plan is to finish my current book and then take inventory of all the books around here and make a list of ones that will fit in with my missing letters and try to get started on those. When I get them together, I'll post the list here to make me accountable for getting them read before the end of the year.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hi-ho, hi-ho, It's back to work I go...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Summer winding down
We had a nice summer. Trips to Mississippi and Georgia and a weekend in Branson, MO. Lots of birthdays and hubby and my 3rd anniversary. Lots of time with family. Many, many, many library books were read. I would say success for the summer although there is a long list of projects that didn't get started, let alone finished. There wasn't money in the budget for many of the home improvement projects that we wanted to do. But we relaxed and enjoyed each other and didn't stress too much about things.
Along with school starting will be the resuming of paychecks for me and that will be very welcome. Hubby's business has been slow this summer and we spent a lot of time at home, not shopping and going like we would have liked.
The much hoped for weight loss didn't happen this summer. Actually it went the wrong way by a few pounds. I am hopeful that the activity from work and less time to snack will reverse that trend.
So I will spend the next few days trying to clean the house in expectation of being too tired to do it for a few days. I will stock up on groceries including easy dinners to make and things with which to brown bag my lunches. I will try to squeeze in a couple more books and catch up on the magazines that are stacked up. Hubby and I will determine if we can sqeeze out the funds for one last trip that means a lot to my step-daughter. And I will mentally prepare myself for back-to-school and the joys and tribulations that come along with that.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Reading A to Z
I found an A to Z reading challenge on My Round File that I wanted to try. It is too late in the year to join the official challenge but I decided to do it on my own for this year and join officially next year. I went back into my library reading log and used only books that I have checked out and read since January 1, 2009. Here is where I am so far:
A An Accomplished Woman - Jude Morgan
B Building a Home with my Husband - Rachel Simon
C Cooking and Screaming - Adrienne Kane
D The Duggars: 20 and Counting
E Every Good and Perfect Gift
F The Forgotten Garden - Kate Morton
G Galway Bay - Mary Pat Kelly
H Home Safe - Elizabeth Berg
I It Sucked and then I Cried - Heather B. Armstrong
J Just when I thought I'd Dropped my Last Egg - Kathie Lee Gifford
L Lessons in Heartbreak - Cathy Kelly
M Miss Harper Can Do It - Jane Berentson
O One for the Money - Janet Evanovich
P A Proper Education for Girls - Elaine di Rolla
Q The Quilter's Apprentice
R Reunion - Therese Fowler
S Shifting Fog - Kate Morton
W Where the Heart Leads - Kim Vogel Sawyer
Not too bad since I didn't know I was doing this challenge at the time. LOL I have ready many other books that duplicated some letters. If I had started this earlier I would have been almost finished.
I have a trip to the library planned for this afternoon. I won't restrict myself to books that I need for this challenge but I do hope to find some good ones that fit.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Books, Books and more heavy Books.
I made a trip to the library yesterday since my books were due. Who knew that you could actually return books on their due date and not pay fines??? Wow, what a concept. Anyway, the closest branch of my local library is located inside a shopping mall. Do you think they could locate it near a door to the outside? NO. So I have three fairly heavy books, because I like big thick books, and there is no book drop on the outside either so I have to carry them all the way through the mall. The entire time I am thinking don't get so many heavy books this time.
My favorite part of the library is the shelves of new books. Unless I have something specific in mind, I don't usually get past that section. Yesterday was no exception. In no time, I had selected three books from the fiction shelves. Ok, remember I'm trying not to load up on books because I have to walk all the way back to my car and it is about 95 degrees in the parking lot. But, I do like to read biographies so I'll take a quick look over there to see what is new. Ooops! Two more books in my pile.
I often get home with books that I just can't get into so at this point I decide to sit in one of those comfy chairs over there and read a few pages of each book to see if I can narrow down my choices. Well, what do you know? Five good books, I did a good job picking for once. All five books came home with me. I survived the walk to the car and it probably doesn't hurt me a bit to carry around some extra weight anyway.
I know you are saying, "Get to the titles of the books already." So here they are:
- Cooking and Screaming by Adrienne Kane (biography) I am a few chapters into this one and it seems really good.
- Just When I dropped My Last Egg by Kathie Lee Gifford (biography)
- Miss Harper Can Do It by Jane Berentson
- Building a Home with My Husband by Rachel Simon (Edited to add that this book is non-fiction. It must have been misshelved at the library. 1/3 of the way in I am really enjoying it.)
- The Lost Quilter by Jennifer Chiaverini
Also, I have to tell you about this other amazing book written by my very own Dad. It is a collection of short stories of his childhood growing up in the country with his five brothers and one sister in the 1940's and 1950's. He has lots of interesting stories of the escapades that they got into.

You can click the picture to enlarge so you can read the back cover.
Here is a link to the newspaper interview about the book.
It is a really good book. If you are interested in one please leave a comment and I will contact you with the info. He self published the book so it is not currently available at bookstores.
Monday, May 25, 2009
I went into the house to wake my napping husband and he and my dad came out to inspect the damage. It was apparent that the window had blown outward and nothing had hit it.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
May Updates
We took our first trip of the summer. We went to Mississippi to visit hubby's daughter. We had a great time with her and her husband. We went to a very nice little restaurant and sat on the patio to eat delicious sandwiches, took a walk of the pier and spent an afternoon at the beach. It was very relaxing.
We had wonderful weather for our outdoor fun day for our kids' last day at school. They had bikes, water tables, sandbox, bubbles, basketball and other things to play with. Then we topped it off with a gigantic ice cream buffet. All of the parents donated items and there was so much it was hard for the kids to choose.
I was happy with the way Survivor, Amazing Race and American Idol all turned out for once. It us unusual for my favorites to win in any of the shows, let alone all three.
Well, all of my shows are over for the summer and there are only three more work days before summer vacation. I hope that frees up some time to do other things, like read books. I have a huge pile of TBR books stacked in a corner of the living room. There are probably three dozen or more. Then there are still the magazines piled in the drawer. I don't think I can get any more in there.
My plan for this long weekend is to get laundry caught up, clean the bathroom and make a dent in my magazine pile. I hope to spend some time in the porch swing reading those magazines if the rain holds off.

Next weekend is another trip to Atlanta, Georgia. I get to visit with my Daughter and her family. I only get to see them a couple of times a year so I am really looking forward to it.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
This Boring Blog
- Went to work
- made dinner
- took a nap
- wished someone would shop for me
- finally did my own shopping
- Watched Survivor/Amazing Race/American Idol/Grey's Anatomy/Biggest Loser/etc.
- Exercise to workout tape
- Gained more weight in the office Biggest Loser competition anyway
- Read another book
- took late books back to library
- Didn't read the 25 magazines that are piled up
- Did laundry but didn't put it away
Well, I have two trips planned for this month. Maybe one or both of them will be blog worthy.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Christmas in March
In my bag were two new books. My friend knows me so well. One of the books is Talk of the Town by Karen Hawkins. It looks like a fun book. The other book is A Virgin River Christmas by Robyn Carr. I collect Christmas books so this is a great addition to my collection. In addition to that, I have started reading the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr. I have read the first one, Second Chance Pass, and the second one, Temptation Ridge, is in my TBR pile. This book goes along with the series so it was very much appreciated.
I always enjoy my gifts from this friend. We have decided in interest of the economy and the trouble we have finding time to get together, that we are going to just have an ornament exchange in the future. Maybe next year we will have Christmas in February or maybe even January.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Mmmm, Popcorn
In other news, WII Fit has proclaimed my new "age" to be 31! Although we won't talk about the weight it claims for me. After 5 weeks of the biggest loser contest at work, I have only managed to lose 4 pounds. With only one week left I have determined that I just donated my money. I fear that my love of eating (see cracker barrel and popcorn referenced above) has been my downfall.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's Day on a Budget
After the shopping we went to dinner. Due to a conveniently timed birthday of hubby, we had a free dinner coupon to Red Robin. I had signed up for their club and they sent hubby a belated gift. He loves their 5 Alarm Burger and my favorite is the Whisky River BBQ Wrap. Since it was a birthday coupon, the waitress brought us a desert to share. Total for dinner was $10.77 + tip.
Next up was a movie. If you go to Kerasotes website you can sign up for the $5 club. Every Thursday they send you an email of what movies are eligible for the $5 price at participating theaters. Hubby has been wanting to see Gran Torino and it was on the list this week so we both got to see the movie for $10.
We had a great night out and felt really good about not spending a fortune on gifts and cards that we really don't need.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
January 15, 2009
I go to work every day. (if there is school that is) School started back on January 5. January 6 we were cancelled because of ice. Back to work on the 7th. Today? No school because of frigid temps. No ice. No snow. But way below zero wind chills. Tomorrow is still undecided. Monday will be a holiday, so no school then.
We have made a couple of trips to the airport. One to drop off my mom, who took her first flight ever. Solo, at age 65. She flew off to visit her sister and enjoyed it very much. Another trip was to pick up the wife of my husband's cousin. The cousin had thought the flight arrived at 12 midnight and his wife arrived at 12 noon. He is several hours away and was still at work. So we picked her up and brought her here until he could get away. Next week we will go back to the airport again to pick up my mom.
I have not been shopping at all except for one or two trips to the grocery store for much needed items. I have gift cards from Christmas but have no desire to go to the stores. I think I am in full hibernation mode. I just want to stay in my house in my jammies and watch TV and play on my computer.
Today's plan is to type a few more chapters of my Dad's book and get some pictures scanned and edited for that. We have a hopeful completion date for March 30(ish). Dad is still writing but hopes to be done by next week when he comes to pick Mom up. Then it is up to me to get everything typed and pictures ready so we can get everything compiled and submitted. We hope to have the completed books in hand by June 1.
This weekend is the final deer hunting weekend of the season so we will be traveling to my son's house for me to play with the kids and hubby to go to the woods if it isn't too cold. Then back to the same old, same old.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!!!!