We took our first trip of the summer. We went to Mississippi to visit hubby's daughter. We had a great time with her and her husband. We went to a very nice little restaurant and sat on the patio to eat delicious sandwiches, took a walk of the pier and spent an afternoon at the beach. It was very relaxing.
We had wonderful weather for our outdoor fun day for our kids' last day at school. They had bikes, water tables, sandbox, bubbles, basketball and other things to play with. Then we topped it off with a gigantic ice cream buffet. All of the parents donated items and there was so much it was hard for the kids to choose.
I was happy with the way Survivor, Amazing Race and American Idol all turned out for once. It us unusual for my favorites to win in any of the shows, let alone all three.
Well, all of my shows are over for the summer and there are only three more work days before summer vacation. I hope that frees up some time to do other things, like read books. I have a huge pile of TBR books stacked in a corner of the living room. There are probably three dozen or more. Then there are still the magazines piled in the drawer. I don't think I can get any more in there.
My plan for this long weekend is to get laundry caught up, clean the bathroom and make a dent in my magazine pile. I hope to spend some time in the porch swing reading those magazines if the rain holds off.

Next weekend is another trip to Atlanta, Georgia. I get to visit with my Daughter and her family. I only get to see them a couple of times a year so I am really looking forward to it.
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