I made a trip to the library yesterday since my books were due. Who knew that you could actually return books on their due date and not pay fines??? Wow, what a concept. Anyway, the closest branch of my local library is located inside a shopping mall. Do you think they could locate it near a door to the outside? NO. So I have three fairly heavy books, because I like big thick books, and there is no book drop on the outside either so I have to carry them all the way through the mall. The entire time I am thinking don't get so many heavy books this time.
My favorite part of the library is the shelves of new books. Unless I have something specific in mind, I don't usually get past that section. Yesterday was no exception. In no time, I had selected three books from the fiction shelves. Ok, remember I'm trying not to load up on books because I have to walk all the way back to my car and it is about 95 degrees in the parking lot. But, I do like to read biographies so I'll take a quick look over there to see what is new. Ooops! Two more books in my pile.
I often get home with books that I just can't get into so at this point I decide to sit in one of those comfy chairs over there and read a few pages of each book to see if I can narrow down my choices. Well, what do you know? Five good books, I did a good job picking for once. All five books came home with me. I survived the walk to the car and it probably doesn't hurt me a bit to carry around some extra weight anyway.
I know you are saying, "Get to the titles of the books already." So here they are:
- Cooking and Screaming by Adrienne Kane (biography) I am a few chapters into this one and it seems really good.
- Just When I dropped My Last Egg by Kathie Lee Gifford (biography)
- Miss Harper Can Do It by Jane Berentson
- Building a Home with My Husband by Rachel Simon (Edited to add that this book is non-fiction. It must have been misshelved at the library. 1/3 of the way in I am really enjoying it.)
- The Lost Quilter by Jennifer Chiaverini
Also, I have to tell you about this other amazing book written by my very own Dad. It is a collection of short stories of his childhood growing up in the country with his five brothers and one sister in the 1940's and 1950's. He has lots of interesting stories of the escapades that they got into.

You can click the picture to enlarge so you can read the back cover.
Here is a link to the newspaper interview about the book. http://www.register-news.com/local/local_story_158200013.html
It is a really good book. If you are interested in one please leave a comment and I will contact you with the info. He self published the book so it is not currently available at bookstores.
Cooking and Screaming...I love that title!
Congrats to your dad on the book!
And is that the same Rachel Simon who wrote Riding the Bus with my Sister? (Yup, just googled it... silly question.) I SO related to that book, so I'm definitely going to add this new one to my TBR list. Thanks for the info!
I thought the title Building a Home with my Husband was going to be one of the biographies (just sounds like a memoir title)... you definitely gave me some books to look into.
I am going to have to check out Riding the Bus with my Sister.
Heather that does sound like a biography title. I hope all the books are as good as they sound on the jackets.
That Cooking and Screaming book looks great -- just from the title alone.
Glad you could join in.
I agree, just the title of Cooking and Screaming sounds intriguing!
What a fun list! Enjoy your month. And congrats to your dad - that's quite an accomplishment.
Cooking and Screaming...love the title. googled the book...the premise sounds very interesting.
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