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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy Anniversary!!

I had an awesome time in Atlanta at the Thirty-One National Conference.  I got to meet my wonderful director and several girls from my team.  We had lots of good training and some fun too. 
It is the 10th anniversary of Thirty-One and they celebrated by giving US gifts!!!


Here is one of them.  The Vary You backpack purse in grey quilted circles.  The straps can be adjusted to wear it four different ways.
When we got home from Atlanta, it was time to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary.  My Dear hubby treated me to my favorite yellow roses and we had a great dinner at the Spaghetti Factory.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Baby Days

Well, if you have been wondering where I have been lately, here are a few pictures to fill you in. 
This is grandbaby # 13, born in November

These are #14 born in December, along with #13

Here is #12, born in October
And here is a better picture of #14
Here is #11, she turned 1 in November
So, to recap... Three little baby girls in three months plus a 1st birthday has been keeping this grandma busy.  Sadly only one lives close enough to see frequently.  But I keep up with the others by text and facebook and see them as often as I can.