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Saturday, March 26, 2011

And the winner is.....


I had decided to buy the Kindle ereader but the hard part was deciding whether to spend the extra money to get 3G or to just get the wi-fi version.  I don't have wi-fi in my house so that played a part in the decision.

I went to one store, I went to another store.  I knew I wanted a Kindle but I couldn't make up my mind.  3G or not.  I looked at wireless routers for our home computer.  It would cost a little more but would the benefits outweigh the cost? I couldn't decide. I came home empty handed.

I discussed it with my husband.  Now, this husband of mine is not a big spender.  He can easily pass up things he wants if he thinks the price is too high.  I was not expecting him to tell me to spend the extra money.  But, he did.  He encouraged me to buy the more expensive 3G one because it made more sense.  We really don't have a need for a wireless router at this time.

So the next day we stopped and made the purchase.  I love it!!!!  I'm glad I went the the 3G but if you have wireless at home you probably don't really need to spend the extra money.  I have had the Kindle for a couple of weeks now and so far I have only downloaded free books.  There are tons of free books in all genres.  I only download ones that I really think I will enjoy and I have probably got 40 on my Kindle already.  I have read 4 books and it is great. 

I subscribed to an email newsletter called Pixel of Ink that keeps me updated on free and bargain books.  I get an email every day or so with the latest free releases for the Kindle.  They also list books that are $1.99 or less.  They are not always books that I am interested in but sometimes they are and I have a new book or two on my list.

I am looking forward to warm weather so I can sit on the deck with my Kindle and loose myself in a good book.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Three G or not three G... that is the question

I have decided that I want an e-reader.  I have resisted for a long time thinking that I really love books.  I love to turn pages and I love to browse through books at the library and book store.  But I have decided that I have enough love to go around and an e-reader would be a great tool to have for reading in the car, on the beach (lol, I never go to the beach), in waiting rooms and many other places. 

Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology
Now for the decisions.  I looked at many e-readers online and lots of them look good to me.  I have decided to go with the Amazon Kindle because a few of my friends have them and have recommended them highly.  One friend is excited to try out the new book sharing feature with me.

Now the next question is 3G or not.  The regular Kindle comes with wi-fi built in.  It is a great way to browse and purchase books anywhere there is a wireless connection.  For $50 more you can get a 3G connection so you can use the browser anywhere, any time.  My problem is that we do not have wireless internet at our house.  So..... if I get the wi-fi only version, I would have to go somewhere else to use that feature.  That doesn't sound very convenient.  I think I have decided to go with the 3G but I really hate to spend that extra money.  I wonder what it would cost to buy a wireless router for my house?

Tonight, I am going to the store that sells the Kindle locally to try one out and ask lots of questions.  We will see if I can resist bringing one home or not.  :)


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy Blogoversary to me!!!!

Well, here begins year three.  I had hoped to write a wonderful anniversary post but life got in the way.

Year two was lots of books.  I was successful in completing the book challenge I signed up for.  There were also lots of family photos.  I missed October and August but managed a post or two every other month.

Had the craziest day ever yesterday at work.  There was broken glass, lots of sweeping, an aide's big fall, accident report to fill out, vomit, bus issues, and traffic issues.

After work was a long drive for a funeral visitation, hours of sitting in funeral home chairs, late dinner at Applebee's and a long drive home in the pouring rain.

Today includes a baby shower for a great friend and hopefully some shopping afterward. 

I hope to post in every month this year and hopefully more frequently. 
