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Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Little Tree that Could

Spring is my second favorite season.  Fall is my first.  But right now I am in awe of the wonderful spring we are having.  Everything is turning green and we have been having beautiful weather for the last week or so.  I love it!

We moved here about 4 1/2 years ago.  It was late fall and the yard was so overgrown and neglected that we really didn't know what was here in the way of plants.  I have since discovered Easter Lillies, hostas, a miniature rose bush, peonies and several other plants that I don't know the names for.

Then there was this tiny little tree.  We thought it might be a red bud tree but weren't sure.  It was only about 2 foot tall.  Each summer it has leaved out and grown just slightly but it never bloomed.  Until now.  Yesterday my husband was mowing the yard and told me that our little tree has finally grown up.  It is still only about 4 foot tall and pretty scrawny but it gave us our first blooms at last.

I really don't know much about plants and do not claim to have a green thumb so I don't know if it is common for trees like this to take years to have blooms but I am so happy to see them.

I hope the rest of my plants make me as happy as this little tree this spring.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


The weekend before Easter my son and his family came to spend the weekend.  As the big kids played Wii in the background, the little kids colored eggs.

My grandson is 18 months old.  He had a great time with the project.  He called all of the eggs "blu"  and wanted to put them in the cups and remove them by hand.  We pulled all of the chairs away from the table during the wait time and he would pull them back so he could get to the "blu" eggs.

My granddaughter is 6.  She enjoyed the process too but would have been much happier if her little brother wasn't involved.

Later in the week we got to visit with two of our grandsons that were visiting from Florida.  They are 14 and almost 7.  We can't believe that the 14 year old is almost as tall as his grandpa.  I wish we could see them more often.

On Easter day, I made dinner at my house.  Since we moved a couple hours away from my family a few years ago we don't get to have many dinners here.  Usually we go there because more people live close together.  But more people came than I expected and we had a great dinner.  It was a beautiful day and the guys got to hang out outside.  My sister-in-law and my nephew made this wonderful Easter bunny cake.  It tasted as good as it looks.  The eggs around it are jello.

My grandson loves to ride.  He begs everyone he can.  I came outside to take pictures of him and grandpa and he insisted that I sit down.  The front of the four wheeler is not very comfortable but I did my lap around the yard with them.

My nephew really enjoyed playing the Wii.  He liked boxing and tennis the best.  I played a round of golf with him but he didn't like that very much.  I'm sure my brother is going to hear a lot about them needing a Wii.

My daughter even got my dad to play.  I was amazed that he did.  They played pool and then others took turns as well.  Later I got my mom to play bowling with us.  She really enjoyed it.

It was a wonderful day full of family, food, fun and great weather.  I hope we can have more family events here this summer.