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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Here is the latest haul from the library.  I am reading these books for the Support Your Local Library Challenge (<-- link to my challenge page).  Click on the picture below to join the challenge.
I have started The Three Weissmanns.  I am so far finding it a little slow going.  I put it down for a few days and just picked it up again last night.  I am also currently reading The Husband Habit.  It seems good so far.

I am finding that I don't have the time to read that I would like.  I keep checking out four books at a time for a two week period.  I am barely getting one book read in that time, so next trip I will be cutting back on the books.

Friday, March 5, 2010

2 years

Today is my blogoversary.  I have had this blog for two years now.  I'm not a very good blogger.  In two years I have published a total of 54 posts and have had 32 comments.  In my head I want to be a Blogger but I haven't figured out yet how to make that happen.  Here's hoping the next year is much more productive on this here blog and that I start getting the hang of it.

Comming up... New library books for the library challenge and some pictures of my grandson with the BigFoot monster truck, and maybe some pics of our recent weekend away if there are any good ones on the camera.