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Monday, November 3, 2008

Best Shot(s) Monday and Weekend update

I had a very nice weekend. I got to babysit my new grandson on Saturday so his parents could go to work. Then I got to spend the day Sunday visiting with three of my grandkids. I also was able to finish the book I was reading and start another while I was there. The book I finished was Welcome to Temptation by Jennifer Crusie. It was a very good page turner. Next, I started Cutting Loose by Susan Anderson. I am only a couple chapters in but it seems like it will be good also.

Here is a shot of my dirty faced youngest granddaughter and her dirty faced doll. She had just arrived home from her dad's house when I got there and hadn't had her bath yet.

Here is my new grandson and his big sister. He was one month old that day. It took several shots to get them both with their eyes open and nobody crying. LOL He was a sleepy guy and she isn't very comfortable holding him yet.
Here are some action shots. She is jumping on a trampoline that I got her for Christmas. She could jump much higher than this. She was a wild child on this thing.

And here is another action shot. Every time grandpa tried to let her go, she let go too. She wouldn't hang there by herself. She was being silly and this shot caught her laughing about it.

We also spent some time coloring. I got the girls coloring books and crayons instead of candy for Halloween since I wasn't going to see them until Sunday. I figured they would have had enough sugar by then. They both love to color so that was a big hit.
The time change caught up with me Sunday night. I dozed through the season finale of Army Wives so I will have to catch up on the computer. Then I was up at 4:30 this morning. I hope to get this worked out soon.
More later.