Well, the graduation is over. It was very nice. We had a grad party here at the house and all the family turned out. She has become engaged and is planning a wedding for a year from now. I took over 200 pictures of them last night for engagement photos. About 5 of them are good.
DD is enrolled in a class for the fall. It is an evening class so she can get up in time. LOL
DS is making me a grandmother and a mother-in-law again. This will make my 5th grandchild, the first 4 all being girls. Plus I have 5 step-grandsons. The wedding is in a month. The ETA on the baby is still unknown, waiting on a Dr. visit in a couple of weeks.
We leave for Ireland in two (2!) days. The packing is comming along and the internet has been thouroghly searched for all things Irish.
Hubby's DD and SIL will be visiting tomorrow. They have moved way out of state and this will be their second visit home in a year and a half.
Ok, I promise to try to get more regular with posting after the vacation and the wedding. We will see what happens.